Thursday, March 24, 2011

day 1- wednesday- travel day

this morning we had to pack- so we got up early. i had spent the past few days washing and packing the kids clothes so today we packed ours. when i read the upcoming italian weather forecast chris got upset so to make himself feel better he decided to bring the ski stuff. he got our bibs, jackets, hats, and gloves. it was interesting packing a carry on for just us- no fancy gadgety toys to distract upset kids with. no empty sippy cups to fill with water. no coloring books. no strategically packed carry on- most important things on top down to the less important things on bottom. i haven't flown without kids in over 12 years! i wonder if i'll be able to sleep on the plane or READ!!! now that i have the luxury to do so!
i took the kids to mass this ash wednesday morning and went to confession afterward. i wanted to make the most of my trip! after church we headed straight home. grandma, grandpa, and daddy were there, waiting for us so we could get going. we threw our bags in the van and headed to my moms house in a two car caravan(grandma's minivan and our van). at my mom's house we left the minivan and the older kids. grandpa drove mary jane, frances, chris, and i to the airport. he thought it would be best for them to see us get out at the curb and see the airplanes in the air and really know where we were going and that we were going to come back soon. i was uptight the whole morning- a ball of nerves. i couldn't breathe- i was so nervous. i think i began to calm down when we were walking to the gate. i always ride the train but chris suggested walking and i think it was just what i needed. just he and i. i wonder when this simplicity- this reminder of the beginning of us is going to settle in.
we boarded the plane and settled our things. i could actually bend over in the seat and reach my bag! it was very cloudy and i looked forward to rising above the clouds and seeing the sun- both literally and figuratively. our flight was at 3 so i knew we would be flying into the night. after we took off and were flying for a bit they began to show a movie. we watched the kings speech. after the movie they came about offering drinks. i packed some tea bags in my carry on so i asked for hot water- something i can't EVER do with kids. well, i guess i can't do it without kids either because i spilled the hot water ALL over my legs- around my knees. i screamed so loud everyone was staring at me and wondering what the deal was. i headed back to the bathroom to make sure everything was ok. the burning feeling was stinging me still so i knew some of the skin around my knees was hurt. in the bathroom i found the areas that were hurt to be red with darker red bumps and they were hot to the touch. everything else was cold to the touch because the water immediately cooled and wearing wet jeans had chilled the other spots. chris told me i should change pants but since it was just cool water and nothing else i decided it would be best to just let it be- the cool jeans were making my hot skin cool down.
chris read a bit from a travel guide. we didn't know what were were going to do tomorrow but i think we have decided to head to assisi when we get the car.


  1. I love the picture! Can't wait to hear about the rest of the trip...

  2. OUCH! sorry about the burn- reminds me of the story of mom burning her legs with spilled coffee from McD. glad you werent wearing stockings.
    looking forward to reading more ;) i love the way you write.
